Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ARC in the mornings

facebook checked.
twitter tweet.
blog update (new)
emails checked.
coffee made.
website updated.

February so far..

This month will go down in the "months to remember" book in my head.
I have made some great friends, memories, and decision i could have ever thought possible.
I honestly havent been this happy in a while and i truly feel free for the first time in my life.

Thursday i leave for Lynchburg, VA for CPR.
Its my first ARC trip, and ill actually be working it this time.
God has blessed me in more ways than i will ever know, im sure.

well.. its pretty late.
i thought i might update since its been quite a while.

i will be posting more often. please enjoy..

ps. spicy boiled peanuts are delicious.