Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Consumer Christians"

Ok, so this subject is something that has bothered me for some time now.

I've always wondered why there are some "christians" out there that for some reason or another have decided that their purpose here on earth is to be other "christians" and churches critics. They are very sensitive to anything and everything about churches ways and christian beliefs.  They will come to church. Sit alone, watch every move of the pastor, observe every light, chair, tv screen, analyze wether the church has spent too much money on equipment, wether or  not the pastor delivers the message "the way they thought was correct" and so on.
They are usually the ones who don't have a "home church" because all they do is look for reasons to make a fuss about what the church did wrong, how the pastor spoke, how flashy the stage was...

Now dont get me wrong, certainly we have to search for a church that we connect with and feel we are getting fed from but why look for negativities every sunday morning?
If you look for flaws, you will find them.
No person or church is going to be flawless. The beauty of it is, we are all searching for one thing, one purpose, and one goal but why cant we do it all together?

1. God is our only critic. 
 -He is the only one to know wether or not we are living our lives right, He is the only one who knows all the answers to our questions, how we are supposed to do things and so on..
2. Isn't being the "critic" just another name for a judgement? 


1.a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes: a poor critic of men.
2.a person who judges, evaluates, or analyzes literary or artistic works, dramatic or musical performances, or the like, esp. for a newspaper or magazine.
3.a person who tends too readily to make captious, trivial, or harsh judgments; faultfinder.

This isn't something im mad at, just something that confuses me. Why do people who talk about why they hate the way things are done not put effort into making a difference?  Why do they continue to keep getting disappointed in people and church when its common knowledge that non of us have it all together?? We never will... 

I apologize, i realize this post is pretty scattered around..

Anyway. Just a thought. Feel free to comment. I would love answers, input, advice...

 "But why do you judge your brother? or why do you set at nought
your brother? for we shall all stand before the judgement seat of
Christ. For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow
to me, and every tongue shall confess God. So then every one of us shall
give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more:…"
Romans 14:11-13


  1. Natalie, you're right on with this observation. Actually somewhat convicting to myself. I've found myself at times being too critical, but much of my criticism comes from having worked within a church and seeing all the crap that goes on inside.

    We're looking for a new church home right now and it can be easy to become too critical of every place that we visit. I'm not the guy you described above, but I think my criticisms have been more about how "goofy" and "corny" the church can be.

    I may end up writing a blog post today based on your post "slapping me in the face" today. That's what I'll title it too: "Got Slapped in the Face today by a Girl" hehe. Thanks for the good words.


  2. haha.. i enjoyed your post. to an extent we all judge the church and its followers. but we need to just remember why we are going and ask ourselves what are our true intentions.

    and i apologize for the "slap."

  3. i agree. and sometimes we have to make ourselves "turn off" those people making noise. i admit i sometimes check out this pastor blog who constantly criticizes and bashes every "relevant" or "kuwl" church or ministry leader (his words). funny how he will never directly jab at my pastor in the same town. it amazes me the amount of energy spent- if they could take a 1/3 of the energy they use to bash other christians and ministries, they could really make a difference for the kingdom.
